Raquel Gimeno-Muñoz Master Title: “Estudio de la reactividad de curcuminoides con grupos ácido carboxílico y su inmovilización en superficie”, UB/ICMAB Graduation Date: July 2019.
Ona Segura Master Title: “Synthesis and characterization of metal-organic materials and their immobilization in surfaces using conventional methods and supercritical CO2 technology”, UB/ICMAB. (Co-direction: Dr. Ana M. López Periago) Graduation Date: July 2019
Niki Joosten Master Title: “Curcumin Metal-Organic Frameworks on Silica Surfaces”, Wageningen University, (co-direction: Prof. Aldrik Velders) Graduation Date: July 2018.
Pablo Rodríguez Mateos Master Title: “Toxicity of M-NTA-AuNps in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae”, UAB. (co-direction: Dr. Alex Peràlvarez) Graduation Date: June 2018
Jesse Ferreira da Silva Master Title: “The Synthesis and Characterisation of Curcumin Derivatives for use in Single Molecule, Molecular Junctions”. University of Southampton; MCHEM with 6-month placement (1st July – 15th December). Graduation Date: February 2018
Joshua John Mark Le Brocq Master Title: “An Investigation of the Problems of Synthesising a Hydrosilylated Curcuminoid Capable of Chemisorption to Active Silica Surfaces”. University of Southampton; MCHEM with 6-month placement (1st July – 15th December). Graduation Date: February 2018
Giuseppe Di Palma Master Title: “Surface modification for organic crystallization using fabrication nanotechnology”, UB. Graduation Date: February 2015.
Sandra Giraldo Clemente Master Title: “Synthesis and modification of curcuminoids for surface immobilization”, UAB. Graduation Date: 2014
Raúl Díaz-Torres Master Title: “Study of multifunctional systems containing curcumionid ligands and 3d/4f Metals”, UB Graduation Date: Jul 2013
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