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  • Daniel Riba-López, Rossella Zaffino, Daniel Herrera, Roc Matheu, Francesco Silvestri, Jesse Ferreira da Silva, Eva Carolina Sañudo, Marta Mas-Torrent, Esther Barrena, Raphael Pfanner, Eliseo Ruiz, Arántzantzu Gonzáles-Campo, Nuria Aliaga-Alcalde iScience Volume 25, Issue 12, 105686, “Dielectric behavior of curcuminoid polymorphs on different substrates by direct soft vacuum deposition”. 
  • Roberto Fagotto Clavijo, Marta Riba-Moliner, Arántzazu González-Campo, Jordi Sort, Eva Pellicer, Konrad Eilera Catalysis Today“Ps-b-P4VP block copolymer micelles as a soft template to grow openly porous nickel films for alkaline hydrogen evolution”.
  • Raphael Pfattner, Elena Laukhina, Jingai Li, Rossella Zaffino, Nuria Aliaga-Alcalde, Marta Mas-Torrent, Jaume Veciana  ACS Applied Electronic Materials2022, 4, 5, 2432-2441, “Emergent Insulator-Metal transition with tunable optical and electrical gap in a thin film of a molecular conducting composite”.
  • David Limón, Pablo Gil-Lianes, Laura Rodríguez-Cid, Helen L Alvarado, Natalia Díaz-Garrido, Mireia Mallandrich, Laura Baldomà, Ana C Calpena, Concepción Domingo, Núria Aliaga-Alcalde, Arántzazu González-Campo, Lluïsa Pérez-García ACS Applied Nano Materials,“Supramolecular nanogels consisting of nanofibers increase the bioavailability of curcuminoids in inflammatory skin diseases”.


  • A. Ferrer-Ugalde, A. Gonzales-Campo , J. Giner Planas, C. Viñas, F. Teixidor, I. M Sáez, R. Núñez, Crystals202111, 133. “Tuning the Liquid Crystallinity of Cholesteryl-o-Carborane Dyads: Synthesis, Structure, Photoluminescence, and Mesomorphic Properties”
  • Albert C Aragonès, Alejandro Martín‐Rodríguez, Daniel Aravena, Giuseppe Di Palma, Wenjie Qian, Josep Puigmartí‐Luis, Núria Aliaga‐Alcalde, Arántzazu González‐Campo, Ismael Díez‐Pérez, Eliseo Ruiz , Angewandte Chemie 2021 133, 49, 26162-26169 “Room-temperature spin dependent transport in metallo-porphyrine based supramolecular wires”
  • Martín Amoza, Lindley Maxwell, Núria Aliaga‐Alcalde, Silvia Gómez‐Coca, Eliseo Ruiz Chemistry, a European Journal 2021, 27, 66, 16440-16447  “Spin-phonon coupling and a slow magnetic relaxation in pristine ferrocenium”


  • Rodriguez-Cid, Laura; Sanudo, E. Carolina; Lopez-Periago, Ana M.; Gonzalez-Campo, Arantzazu; Aliaga-Alcalde, Nuria; Domingo, Concepcion. Crystal Growth & Design2020, 20(10), 6555-6564. “Novel Zn(II) Coordination Polymers Based on the Natural Molecule Bisdemethoxycurcumin”
  • Sandra Giraldo, María E. Alea-Reyes, David Limón, Asensio González, Marta Duch, José A. Plaza, David Ramos-López, Joaquín de Lapuente, Arántzazu González-Campo and Lluïsa Pérez-García. Pharmaceutics2020, 12(8), 724.  “π-Donor/π-Acceptor Interactions for the Encapsulation of Neurotransmitters on Functionalized Polysilicon-Based Microparticles”
  • Aragones, Albert C.; Martin-Rodriguez, Alejandro; Aravena, Daniel; Puigmarti-Luis, Josep; Amabilino, David B.; Aliaga-Alcalde, Nuria; Gonzalez-Campo, Arantzazu; Ruiz, Eliseo; Diez-Perez, Ismael. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition2020, 59(43), 19193-19201. ” Tuning Single-​Molecule Conductance in Metalloporphyrin-​Based Wires via Supramolecular Interactions”
  • Vidal, Oscar; Castilla, Xavier; Aliaga-Alcalde, Nuria; Lopez-Periago, Ana M.; Domingo, Concepcion; Sentellas, Sonia; Saurina, Javier. Current Analytical Chemistry, 2020, 16(2), 95-105. ” Determination of Curcuminoids by Liquid Chromatography with Diode Array Detection: Application to the Characterization of Turmeric and Curry Samples”
  • Dulic, Diana; Rates, Alfredo; Castro, Edison; Labra-Munoz, Jacqueline; Aravena, Daniel; Etcheverry-Berrios, Alvaro; Riba-Lopez, Daniel; Ruiz, Eliseo; Aliaga-Alcalde, Nuria; Soler, Monica; Ecgegoyen, Luis, van der Zant, Herre S.J.. Journal of Physical Chemistry C2020, 124(4), 2698-2704. “Single-​Molecule Transport of Fullerene-​Based Curcuminoids”


  • Munoz, Jose; Leonardi, Francesca; Ozmen, Tayfun; Riba-Moliner, Marta; Gonzalez-Campo, Arantzazu; Baeza, Mireia; Mas-Torrent, Marta.  Journal of Materials Chemistry C: Materials for Optical and Electronic Devices 2019, 7, 47, 14993-14998. “Carbon-​paste nanocomposites as unconventional gate electrodes for electrolyte-​gated organic field-​effect transistors: electrical modulation and bio-​sensing”
  • Marta Riba-Moliner, Cristina Oliveras-González, David B. Amabilino, and Arántzazu González-Campo, Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines, 2019, 23, 916 – 929. “Supramolecular block copolymers incorporating chiral and achiral chromophores for the bottom-up assembly of nanomaterials
  • Buades, Ana B.; Arderiu, Victor S.; Maxwell, Lindley; Amoza, Martin; Choquesillo-Lazarte, Duane; Aliaga-Alcalde, Núria; Viñas, Clara; Teixidor, Francesc; Ruiz, Eliseo, Chemical Communications2019, 55, 26, 3825 – 3828. “Slow-spin relaxation of a low-spin S=1/2 Fe-III carbone complex”  
  • Castro, M. R. Ceron; A. Garcia-Hernandez; Q. Kim; A. Etcheverry-Berrios; M. J. Morel; R. Diaz-Torres; W. Qian; Z. Martinez; L. Mendez; F. Perez; C. A. Santoyo; R. Gimeno-Muñoz; R. Esper; D. A. Gutierrez; A. Varela-Ramirez; R. J. Aguilera; M. Llano; M. Soler; N. Aliaga-Alcalde; L. EchegoyenRSC Advances, 2019, 9, 5, 2379 – 2379. “A new family of fullerene derivatives: fullerene-curcumin conjugates for biological and photovoltaic applications


  • Castro, M. R. Ceron, A. Garcia-Hernandez, Q. Kim, A. Etcheverry-Berrios, M. J. Morel, R. Diaz-Torres, W. Qian, Z. Martinez, L. Mendez, F. Perez, C. A. Santoyo, R. Gimeno-Muñoz, R. Esper, D. A. Gutierrez, A. Varela-Ramirez, R. J. Aguilera, M. Llano, M. Soler, N. Aliaga-Alcalde, L. Echegoyen*RSC Advances, 2018, 8, 73, 41692. “A new family of fullerene derivatives: fullerene-curcumin conjugates for biological and photovoltaic applications
  • Olavarria-Contreras, A. Etcheverry-Berrios, W. Qian, C. Gutierrez-Ceron, A. Campos-Olguin, E. C. Sanudo, D. Dulic, E. Ruiz, N. Aliaga-Alcalde*, M. Soler*, H. S. J. van der Zant*, Chemical Science, 2018, 9, 34, 6988. “Electric-field induced bistability in single-molecule conductance measurements for boron coordinated curcuminoid compounds
  • Muñoz, A. González-Campo, M. Riba-Moliner, M. Baeza, M. Mas-Torrent, Biosensors and Bioelectronics2018, 105, 95-102. “Chiral magnetic-nanobiofluids for rapid electrochemical screening of enantiomers at a magneto nanocomposite graphene-paste electrode”
  • Qian, A. González‐Campo, A. Pérez‐Rodríguez, S. Rodríguez‐Hermida, I. Imaz, K. Wurst, D. Maspoch, E. Ruiz, C. Ocal, C. Barrena, D. B. Amabilino*, N. Aliaga‐Alcalde*Chemistry-A European Journal, 2018¸ 24, 12950. “Boosting Self-Assembly Diversity in the Solid-State by Chiral/Non-Chiral ZnII-Porphyrin Crystallization
  • Pérez del Pino, González-Campo, S. Giraldo, J. Peral, E. György, C. Logofatu, A. J. de Mello, J. Puigmartí-Luis, Carbon2018, 130, 48-58. “Synthesis of graphene-based photocatalysts for water splitting by laser-induced doping with ionic liquids
  • Guzman-Mendez, F. Gonzalez, S. Bernes, M. Flores-Alamo, J. Ordonez-Hernandez, H. Garcia-Ortega, J. Guerrero, W. Qian, N. Aliaga-Alcalde, L. Gasque, Inorganic Chemistry, 2018, 57, 3, 908. “Coumarin Derivative Directly Coordinated to Lanthanides Acts as an Excellent Antenna for UV-Vis and Near-IR Emission 
  • Portoles-Gil, A. Lanza, N. Aliaga-Alcalde, J. A. M. Ayllon, E. Gemmi, Mugnaioli, A. M. Lopez-Periago, C. Domingo, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6, 9, 12309. “Crystalline Curcumin bioMOF Obtained by Precipitation in Supercritical CO2 and Structural Determination by Electron Diffraction Tomography


  • Limón, C. Jiménez-Newman, A. C. Calpena, A. González-Campo, D. B.Amabilino, L. Pérez-García, Chemical Communications2017, 53, 4509-4512. “Microscale coiling in bis-imidazolium supramolecular hydrogel fibres induced by release of a cationic serine protease inhibitor 
  • Lopez-Periago, N. Portoles-Gil, P. Lopez-Dominguez, J. Fraile, J. Saurina, N. Aliaga-Alcalde, G. Tobias, J. A. Ayllon, C. Domingo, Crystal Growth & Design2017, 17(5), 2864-2872. “Metal-Organic Frameworks Precipitated by Reactive Crystallization in Supercritical CO2
  • Limón, C. Jiménez-Newman, M. Rodrigues, A. González-Campo, D. B. Amabilino, A. C. Calpena, L. Pérez-García, Chemistry Open2017, 6, 585-598. “Cationic Supramolecular Hydrogels for Overcoming the Skin Barrier in Drug Delivery
  • Berlanga, A. Etcheverry-Berrios, A. Mella, D. Jullian, V.  Gomez, N. Aliaga-Alcalde, V. Fuenzalida, Flores, M.  Soler, Applied Surface Science2017, 392, 834. “Formation of self-assembled monolayer of curcuminoid molecules on gold surfaces
  • L. Ye,  A. González-Campo, T. Kudernac, R. Núñez, Jong, W. G. Van der Wiel, J. Huskens, Langmuir2017, 33, 3635-3638. “Monolayer contact doping from a silicon oxide source substrate


  • Riba-Moliner, N. Avarvari, D. B. Amabilino, A. González-Campo, A. Gómez-Rodríguez, Langmuir2016, 32, 13593-13599. “Distinguishing between mechanical and electrostatic interaction in single pass multi frequency Electrostatic Force Microscopy measurements on a molecular material
  • Albalad, J. Arinez-Soriano, J. Vidal-Gancedo, V.  Lloveras, J. Juanhuix, I. Imaz, N. Aliaga-Alcalde, D. Maspoch, Chemical Communications2016, 52, 91, 13397. “Hetero-bimetallic paddlewheel clusters in coordination polymers formed by a water-induced single-crystal-to-single-crystal transformation
  • Noori, A. C. Aragonès, G. Di Palma, N. Darwish, S. W.D. Bailey, Q. A-Galiby, I. Grace, D. B. Amabilino, A. González-Campo, I. Díez-Pérez, C. J. Lambert, Scientific Reports2016, 6, 37352. “Tuning the electrical conductance of metalloporphyrin supramolecular wires”
  • Fontanet, M. Rodriguez, X. Fontrodona, I. Romero*, F. Teixidor*, C. Viñas, N. Aliaga-AlcaldeDalton Transactions2016, 45, 27, 10916. “Carving a 1D Co-II-carboranylcarboxylate system by using organic solvents to create stable trinuclear molecular analogues: complete structural and magnetic studies
  • Riba-Moliner, A. Gómez-Rodríguez, D. B. Amabilino, J. Puigmartí-Luis, A. González-Campo*, 2016Polymer, 103, 251-260. “Functional supramolecular tetrathiafulvalene-based films with mixed valences states”
  • Ying Tsang, F. Teixidor, C. Viñas, Clara; D. Choquesillo-Lazarte, N. Aliaga-Alcalde, J. Giner Planas* Inorganica Chimica Acta2016, 448, 97. “Synthesis, structures and properties of iron(III) complexes with (o-carboranyl)bis-(2-hydroxymethyl)pyridine: Racemic versus meso
  • Patiño, J. Soriano, E. Amirthalingam, S. Durán, A. González-Campo, M. Duch, E. Ibáñez, L. Barrios, J. A. Plaza, L. Pérez-García, C. Nogués, Nanoscale2016, 8, 8773-8786. “Polysilicon-chromium-gold intracellular chips for multi-functional biomedical applications, Nanoscale, 8, 8773-8786
  • Burzurí*, J. Island, R. Díaz-Torres, A. Fursina, A. González-Campo, O. Roubeau, S. J. Teat, N. Aliaga-Alcalde*, E. Ruiz, H. S. J. van der Zant, ACS Nano2016, 10 (2), 2521. “Sequential electron transport and vibrational excitations in an organic molecule coupled to few-layer graphene electrodes
  • Diaz-Torres, M. Menelaou, A. Gonzalez-Campo, S. J. Teat, E. C. Sanudo, E.; M. Soler*, N. Aliaga-Alcalde*Magnetochemistry2016, 2(3), 29. “Comparative Magnetic Studies in the Solid State and Solution of Two Isostructural 1D Coordination Polymers Containing Co-II/Ni-II-Curcuminoid Moieties
  • Muñoz, M. Riba-Moliner, L.J. Brennan, Y.K. Gun’Ko, F. Cespedes, A. González-Campo*, M. Baeza*, Microchimia Acta2016, 183(5), 1579-1589. ”Amperometric thyroxine sensor usign a nanocomposite based on graphene modified with gold nanoparticles carrying a thiolated β-cyclodextrin”
  • Etcheverry-Berríos, R. Díaz-Torres, D. Jullian, I. Ponce, S. O. Vásquez, I. Olavarria, M. L. Perrin, R. Frisenda, H. S. J. van der Zant, D. Dulić*, Aliaga-Alcalde*, M. Soler*. Chemistry – A European Journal2016, 22, 36, 12808. “Multiscale approach to the study of the electronic properties of two thiophene curcuminoid molecules
  • Burzuri, J. Island, R. Díaz-Torres, A. Fursina, A. González-Campo, O. Roubeau, S. J. Teat, N. Aliaga-Alcalde, E. Ruiz, H.S.J. van der Zant. ACS Nano2016, 10(2), 2521-2527. “Sequential electron transport and vibrational excitations in an organic molecule coupled to few-layer graphene electrodes
  • Díaz-Torres, M. Menelaou, O. Roubeau, A. Sorrenti, G. Brandariz-de Pedro, E. C. Sañudo, S. J. Teat, J. Fraxedas, E. Ruiz, N. Aliaga-Alcalde*. Chemical Science2016, 7, 2793. “Multiscale study of mononuclear CoII SMMs based on curcuminoid ligands


  • Ye, A. González-Campo, R. Núñez, M. P. de Jong, T. Kudernac, W. G. van der Wiel, J. Huskens, Applied Materials & Interfaces2015, 7, 27357-27361. “Boosting the borno dopant level in monolayer doping by carboranes” 
  • Oliveras-González, F.Di Meo, A. González-Campo, D. Beljonne, P. Norman, M. Simón-Sorbed, M. Linares, D.B. Amabilino, Journal of the American Society2015, 137, 15795-15808. “Bottom-up hierarchical self-assembly of chiral nanomaterials through coordination and hydrogen bonds” 
  • M. A. Ei-Lateef*, A. M. Abu-Dief, L. H. Abdel-Rahman, E. C. Sañudo, N. Aliaga-AlcaldeJournal of Electroanalytical Chemistry2015, 743, 120. “Electrochemical and theoretical quantum approaches on the inhibition of C1018 carbon steel corrosion in acidic medium containing chloride using some newly synthesized phenolic Schiff bases compounds
  • A. Gonzalez-Campo, L. Cabana, X. Ke, G. Van Tendeloo, R. Núñez, G. Tobias, Chemistry-A European Journal, 2015, 21, 16792-16795. “Efficient Chemical Modification of Carbon Nanotubes with Metallacarboranes“ 
  • K. Mal, M. Mitra, B. Biswas, G. Kaur, P. P. Bag, C. M. Reddy, A. R. Choudhury, N. Aliaga-Alcalde, R. Ghosh*. Inorganica Chimica Acta2015, 425, 61. “Ligand template synthesis of an undecametallic iron(III) complex: X-ray structure, magnetism and catecholase activity
  • Jassal, N. Aliaga-Alcalde*, M. Corbella*, D. Aravena, E. Ruiz* and G. Hundal*, Dalton Transactions, 2015, 44, 36, 15774. “Neodymium 1D systems: targeting new sources for field-induced slow magnetization relaxation
  • K. Shee, J. P. Naskar, M. G. B. Drew, N. Aliaga-Alcalde, D. Datta*. Inorganica Chimica Acta2015, 427, 97. “Stabilisation of true -electron--electron interactions in an inorganic cocrystal


  • Ferrer-Ugalde, A. Gonzalez-Campo, C. Viñas, J. Rodríguez-Romero, R. Santillan, N. Farfán, R. Sillanpää, A. Sousa-Pedrares, R. Nuñez, F. Teixidor, Chemistry-A European Journal2014, 20, 9940-9951. “Fluorescence of new o-carborane compounds with different fluorophores: can it be tuned?”
  • Di Salvo, M. Y. Tsang, F. Teixidor, C. Viñas, J. Giner-Planas*, J. Crassous, N. Vanthuyne, N. Aliaga-Alcalde, E. Ruiz, G. Coquerel, S. Clevers, V. Dupray, D. Choquesillo-Lazarte, M. E. Light, M. B. Hursthouse. Chemistry – A European Journal2014, 20, 1081. “A racemic and enantiopure unsymmetric diiron(III) complex with a chiral o-carborane-based pyridylalcohol ligand: combined chiroptical, magnetic, and nonlinear optical properties
  • Sasmal, P. Chakraborty, S. Bhattacharya, N. Aliaga-Alcalde*, S. Mohanta*. Polyhedron2014, 73, 67. “Crystal structure and magnetic properties of a hexacopper(II)-based azide-bridged one-dimensional coordination polymer: A new pattern of azide-bridged network
  • Biswas, A. Jana, S. Sarkar, H. A. Sparkes, J. A. K. Howard, N. Aliaga-Alcalde*, S. Mohanta*. Polyhedron2014, 74, 57. “Discrete systems and two-dimensional coordination polymers containing potentially multidentate and bridging inorganic anions: Observation of a new type of two-dimensional topology
  • O. Island, A. Holovchenko, M. Koole, P. F. A. Alkemade, M. Menelaou, N. Aliaga-Alcalde, E. Burzurí, H. S. J. van der Zant*. Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter2014, 26, 47. “Fabrication of hybrid molecular devices using multi-layer graphene break junctions
  • Gómez-Coca*, E. Cremades, N. Aliaga-Alcalde, E. Ruiz. Inorganic Chemistry2014, 53(2), 676. “Huge magnetic anisotropy in a trigonal-pyramidal nickel(II) complex
  • Fontanet, M. Rodríguez, X. Fontrodona, I. Romero*, F. Teixidor*, C. Viñas, N. Aliaga-Alcalde, P. Matějíček. Chemistry – A European Journal2014, 20, 43 13993. “Water-soluble manganese inorganic polymers: the role of carborane clusters and producing large structural adjustments from minor molecular changes
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