Sants3Radio covers the #11F2020 in "Escola Can Maiol" with Arántzazu González

The CSIC Catalunya organized a morning in which women scientists from different CSIC centers visited the school “Escola Can Maiol” in Sants, Barcelona, to talk and experiment with science. From the ICMAB, Arántzazu González, chemist, visited the group of 3r Primària (8-9 years old) and did some experiments to discover the acid/basic properties of some natural substances that we have at home by the change of color. Sants3Radio was there to talk with them!

During the morning of 11 February 2020, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the “Escola Can Maiol” school could enjoy the visit of the following scientists, who talked about being a scientist and science and did some experiments with the students:

  • Arántzazu Gonzalez (ICMAB), chemistry and materials
  • Gemma Fabrias (IQAC), chemistry
  • Neus Ibañez (IBB), plants
  • Diana Muñiz (IBB), plants
  • Maria José Jurado (ICTJA), geology
  • Queralt Güell (ICM), marine science
  • Maria Vila (IDAEA), water and environemnt

The initiative “Les nostres científiques: Jornada d’investigadores actuals i futures” is organized by the CSIC Delegation in Catalunya, in its second edition.

In the radio!

Listen to the interview with the scientists, from Sants3Radio from minute 35:55 up to minute 47:00. Arántzazu González fom minute 39:10

“Els nens i nenes han esat molt entusiastes i participatius. Han fet preguntes molt interessants i els experiments els han agradat molt.” Arántzazu González

“Hi ha moltes dones que estudien química, però el problema és que les dones es van “eliminant” del camí de la recerca. Tot i que moltes comencen a fer el doctorat, a partir d’aquest punt, a l’etapa postdoctoral, cada vegada hi ha menys dones” Arántzazu González

“Al llarg de la història s’han oblidat moltes científiques de molts àmbits i, per exemple, molt poques han rebut el Premi Nobel de Química. Les hem d’anar reivindicant, i hem de donar-les a conèixer als nens i nenes, perquè sàpiguen que hi ha moltes dones en el món de la química” Arántzazu González

See more pictures of the event here:

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